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Sunrise over a snowy mountain
Experienced executive managers with international experience to strengthen your management team at short notice.

We help growth companies scale


Interim management

We are senior managers who can step in at short notice to temporarily strengthen your management team. We can fill support functions such as CFO , accounting manager and controller , or operational management roles within product development, sales and marketing .


Financial controls

Insight into future capital needs is essential for sustainable growth. Get help with rolling forecasts of profit, balance sheet and cash flow, internal and external financial reporting, and consolidation of group figures.


Management Consulting

When your organization expands, it is increasingly difficult to get everyone to move in the same direction. We support you in the development of strategy, sales and marketing plans, and to get the right insights, analyzes and management reporting in place.

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Growth companies often encounter obstacles in the form of compliance when demands from customers or regulatory authorities increase. We have expertise in everything from IFRS to GDPR and have employees with a background in auditing.

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Have you outgrown your accounting system? We have experience with the implementation of ERP, CRM and other business-critical systems. We are supplier-independent and know that the key to a successful implementation is a focus on process and change management .



Is the next phase of your growth strategy to enter an international market? We have extensive experience in setting up subsidiaries, leading international teams and preparing go-to-market plans. We strengthen your team when buying and selling businesses during a DD processes .

Our services

Our interim managers

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Solveig Mjanger

+47 982 06 521

MBA from NHH (Siviløkonom).

17 years' experience as a consultant in finance and auditing. Management experience from an international SaaS business.

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Espen Ottem

+ 47 952 72 504

MBA from NHH (Siviløkonom).

Over 20 years' experience as a controller at management level in industries such as SaaS, retail, food and transportation. Background from management consulting.

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John Arthur Berg

+ 47 930 53 088

Engineering degree from HVL (Dataingeniør).

Over 20 years of management experience within product development, strategy and sales in international SaaS business.

Former consultant.

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Our customers

The company logo of Beat Technology
The company logo of itslearning
The company logo of Tide
The company logo of Defibrio
Trisense's company logo.

Contact us

Ta gjerne kontakt hvis du ønsker å vite mer om våre interimledere, hvilke type oppdrag tar og få referanser fra våre kunder. Vi formidler ikke interimledertjenester for andre, men tar kun oppdrag med egne ansatte.

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